Comfort and Joy


The great battle is here, the showdown between Christ and Satan. Who gets the last laugh? God! Read Psalm 2:

“2 The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD, and against his anointed, saying,
3 Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.
4 He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision.
5 Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath, and vex them in his sore displeasure.
6 Yet have I set my king upon my holy hill of Zion.”

The kings of the earth have set themselves against the true Bible-believers. They have taken counsel in the Vatican and the World Council of “Churches” to destroy the true faith of the Messiah Jesus and stop Israel from receiving the Gospel and receiving power from God as a result. Their plan will not work. It is doomed to failure, as this Psalm tells us.

First these evil pseudo-Christian cults took aim at the Bible-believers’ place of refuge in America. They plotted to destroy America financially at the very beginning of the 20th century, because finance was becoming America’s strong-point, as God blessed its Bible-belt backbone. The monarchy in England, the heads of the Anglican cult, had miserably failed to crush the rebel colonies of America in the 1800s. So in the early 1900s they tried a different tack — they used their vast illegally-gotten wealth stashed in the Bank of England to finance the “Federal Reserve Bank” project in the USA. Bribing a few corrupt and very wealthy American politicians, like one Mr. Aldrich, was a necessary evil, from their polluted point of view, to achieve their end. The “Federal Reserve” central bank would be used to turn the American dollar gradually over the decades into a worthless piece of paper, and thus impoverish the Bible-belt. It worked. We saw the result last year. Now they are moving in for the kill.

Remember the Anglican Cult at that time was far from being what it was originally — a Protestant Church. By the 1900s it had been infiltrated and taken over in its upper echelons by the Jesuits, masquerading as “High Church” Anglicans. This process had started in the 19th century with the so-called Oxford Movement, which was overtly a “Catholicization” of the Anglicans by intellectual pro-Roman snobs at Oxford. Thus, when the Bank of England set up its “take over America” banking scheme, it was already the Anglican Cult PLUS its Vatican moles embedded within it doing the dirty-work. As usual, they used the despotic, Biblically-illiterate, royal upper-class twits of England and Europe to provide them with hard cash (mainly gold). The priests of the Anglican Cult and of the Vatican gained power over these social top-graders by giving them a “Christian” cover for their totally selfish, petty, little kingdoms.

Mainly at the time the hard cash came from the British monarchy via the Bank of England, and from the Austrian Hapsburgs and the German Kaisers via the central bank in Germany. When the “Federal Reserve” Bank was set up in New York it was these filthy pseudo-religious money merchants of Europe behind it. Their aim — solely to destroy America as a Bible-believing country. The leaders of the project, it goes without saying, were Devil-inspired. This means the thing is (ultimately) doomed to failure, because the Devil is a cosmic Dumbo. As you can see from the Psalm quoted above, God is going to have the last laugh here.

But even the Devil is not without some superficial intellectual power. The monarchies of Europe had worked out that it was (and is) always best to have Jews in charge of money-management. This is so, because Jews, being God’s chosen people, are going to be blessed by the Creator. That includes financially. You will never beat the Jews in a money deal, so don’t try. And may God bless them and continue to bless them abundantly! There was a rich and devious Babylonian in ancient times called Laban, and he got Jacob, the ancestor of all the Jews, to manage his money for him, because, as Laban admitted: “I have learned by experience that the LORD hath blessed me for thy sake.” (Genesis 30. 27.) Even though Jacob was outside of his own God-given homeland at that time (Jews are commanded by God always to live in their own land, Israel), and was capable of some very tricky business manoevering himself, God still blessed him. So it is today with Jacob’s descendants.

Now these Jewish managers of the Bank of England and the European banks, headed up by Paul Warburg, the Jewish genius behind the “Federal Reserve” system, were not going to be walkovers in the operation. After all, America was a place of refuge for Jews as well as Bible-believing Christians. Paul Warburg himself played a major part in securing Jewish refugees from Russian Czarist pogroms a new home in America. The last thing the Jews wanted was to harm their own place of refuge. The European Cults and their monarchical allies knew this. To buy off any qualms they might have about it, they made the Jews an offer they couldn’t refuse: in exchange for the Jewish bank-managers’ co-operation in the setting up of a central Bank in America, the English monarchy offered them — yes, the land of Israel itself. Up to that time Palestine had been under the dictatorship of the Muslim Turks. But England was heading for war with Turkey, and had no desire to possess permanently this (to them) useless little bit of real-estate in Palestine. What better, they thought, than to put it to good use and bribe the Jews with a real, authentic, Biblical, place of refuge for them in their own land? It was a Devilishly-cunning scheme, but one which God was using to get the Jews back to their homeland.

So, when the inevitable war occurred (World War 1) the English booted Turkey out of Palestine and offered it to the Jews. (An offer of this kind to the “foreign race” of the Jews is completely contrary to the naturally selfish, racist, egotistical, power-hungry, inclination of the English upper-classes, as anyone acquainted with them will admit, and could only happen in the circumstances outlined, where there was a very big VESTED INTEREST OF A FINANCIAL KIND. That it wasn’t a love-gift is proved by the fact that within 20 years the British turned against the Jews of Palestine and helped the local Arab gangsters massacre them — as the Brits’ own Anglican Cult and its cronies in the World Council of “Churches” still do today.) In the meantime, the Jews got their homeland, God turning the politics to their advantage, and the European banks got their “Federal Reserve” central bank in the USA.

Immediately the corruption of the American money-system went into operation. As the Vatican hold on the Anglican Cult in Britain got stronger, the Vatican’s stakes in the “Federal Reserve” Bank increased. By the time World War 2 came on, the Vatican was stashing gold by the container-load in “Protestant” America. Much of this gold was siphoned off from the Nazis’ looting of Europe in the War via the Vatican’s convent system: German military men found the Vatican’s convents and monasteries very convenient and commodious hiding holes for their ill-gotten gains.

The pity is that the few rich, corrupt, Americans like Aldrich who promoted the scheme, hoping only to line their own pockets, were (and surely they must have known this) handing their own country over to a bunch of European sharks. The Europeanization of America and its abandonment of true Bible faith has been the consequence of the financial wheeler-dealing of those traitors. Their motives, of course, were wholly selfish. Aldrich and his fellow rich monopolists of American business in the second half of the nineteenth century had been threatened with financial castration by the popular movement to bring in an “income” tax, that is, by whatever means might be Constitutionally possible, a tax on RICH MEN’s surplus wealth. Aldrich fought with all his might to stop this tax on the rich. Eventually the 16th Amendment to the US Constitution was passed, ensuring there would indeed be an “income” tax (however that was to be Constitutionally interpreted). Aldrich’s response was to thwart the popular movement by setting up his “Federal Reserve” central Bank and grab the money back by deceit. He also set up a scheme to neutralize the 16th Amendment by MISINTERPRETING the law so as to redefine the word “income” here as the ordinary person’s living wage, instead of what it was originally intended to be, the rich man’s perks. That has been ever-since the main purpose of the IRS, the American Tax service (“INLAND ROBBERY SERVICE”) — to misinterpret the word “income” in the Constitution’s 16th Amendment and apply it wrongly and illegally to the mass of American citizens. That is why to this day THERE EXISTS NO LAW IN WRITING INSTRUCTING AMERICAN RESIDENTS TO FILE AN INCOME TAX RETURN. If there was such, the US Government would be prosecutable for fraud and extortion by misleading the ordinary people into thinking the earnings they live on are taxable. You can now see the Devilish nature of this system, both in the “Federal Reserve” central bank and in the IRS. It is anti-God, anti-Bible, anti-American, and anti-Israel.

As the American system is brought to ruin by these evil financial manipulators, God is preparing His people for the final Godly laugh. The Devil is going to be defeated by the rapture of Jesus’ Bride into heaven and by the spiritual rebirth of Israel, which will very soon accept the Messiah Jesus under two prophet witnesses (as described in Revelation chapter 11) and throw off the corrupt pseudo-church world-powers. So it’s COMFORT AND JOY truly this season for the people of God worldwide. Shalom in the Messiah Jesus!

Posted in Anti-Bible Government, Bible Prophecy, End Time, Featured, Israel and Bible Christianity, Major Cults, US Constitution and tagged , , , , , , .

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