If you’ve got this far, you’re not doing too bad. You got past the Headline. I want to show you, by the help of God, how far the United States has moved off of God’s Word, and therefore come under God’s judgment. THERE IS NO REMEDY FOR AMERICA, AND FOR THE REST OF THE WORLD, EXCEPT TO COME BACK TO GOD’S WORD — REPENT AND START OVER.
By saying this, you should realize it’s not only America. Of all the countries in the world, even to this same time, the United States is by far the most free and the best constituted. And so it will remain until Israel takes the crown, when it receives Jesus as the Messiah (which it will shortly do). When that happens, the creeping evil rising up in America will swallow up the whole country, and the whole world, and will introduce a military dictatorship worse than anything seen before in history. That evil entity will be under the religious control of the Vatican using as its American front the World Council of “Churches”. As Satan took over God’s Eden by working first on the woman Eve, so Satan is right now rising to power in America by working on women.
The political fall of America started with the granting of the vote to women. The original Constitution of America, that great Christian document, gave no such right. And remember those who take an oath to uphold the Constitution take that oath to PRESERVE as well as to defend it. What happened? Someone somewhere FAILED TO PRESERVE that original Constitution. The original Constitution was based on certain UNALIENABLE RIGHTS (that means rights which can’t be taken away by anyone) given by God to the whole human race. One of those God given rights is the RIGHT OF EVERY MARRIED MAN TO THE COMPLETE OWNERSHIP OF HIS WIFE. God Himself says this very clearly in the Word of God, the Bible. The Tenth Commandment says, I quote:
Exodus 20:17 “Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbor’s.”
God doesn’t believe in Communism. There is nothing “Communal” or “Community” here. God says the wife BELONGS TO THE HUSBAND (THE MALE NEIGHBOR), NOT TO THE COMMUNITY, THE GOVERNMENT, THE GARBAGE COLLECTOR, THE MAGISTRATE, THE LOCAL POP GOON OR ANYONE ELSE. Now if some “Government” comes along with a “better idea” than God, and says to that man’s wife, “Oh my darling, you poor soul, under that evil, evil man, I’ll tell you what, YOU DON’T HAVE TO LISTEN TO HIM, IF YOU WANT TO VOTE FOR ME, YOU CAN, AND HE CAN’T STOP YOU, I’LL SEND MY POLICEMEN TO MAKE SURE HE DOESN’T STOP YOU — YOU’RE FREEEEEEEE, YOU’RE AMERICAN, STAND UP FOR YOUR RIGHTS!!!!!!!” Now you see what has happened. That “Government” has BROKEN THE 10TH COMMANDMENT, and has USURPED THE GOD-GIVEN, UNALIENABLE RIGHTS OF THE HUSBAND TO THE TOTAL OWNERSHIP OF HIS WIFE. The “Government” will pay for that. God will take vengeance. No way will it get out of that. Judgment will fall. Don’t believe Satan’s lie — the same lie he told Eve in Eden: “No, Eve, YOU WON’T SURELY DIE, IF YOU DO WHAT I SAY. God’s commandment has been misinterpreted to you. God didn’t mean that.” BUT GOD DID MEAN WHAT HE SAID. EVE DIED. SO WILL YOU DIE IF YOU BREAK THIS TENTH COMMANDMENT.
Now instead of upholding God’s commandment, clearly stated in the Bible, the US “Government” went on a wild “liberty” binge, claiming that it was going to “liberate” women. That’s just what Satan said he was going to do to Eve, “liberate” her, “enlighten her eyes”. Really he wanted to SEXUALLY ABUSE HER. Yes. That was his aim. He wanted to take Eve out of Adam’s control, and replace Adam’s headship with his own evil headship. And that is what the “Government” is up to today. That is what the Nineteenth Amendment to the Constitution did. It gave the women a “right” to vote the way they wanted to, which they never had from God, a “right”, that is, to DISREGARD THEIR HUSBAND’S WISHES. Because that Amendment DID NOT PRESERVE THE ORIGINAL CONSTITUTION, BECAUSE IT DISREGARDED THE GOD-GIVEN UNALIENABLE RIGHTS OF THE CITIZENS, IT IS ILLEGITIMATE AND OUGHT TO BE REPEALED FORTHWITH.
The “Government” wants by this means to sweep away the biggest obstacle they’ve got to their planned military dictatorship, and that is the many INDIVIDUAL PATRIARCHAL MALE HEADS OF EACH BIBLE-BELIEVING HOUSEHOLD IN AMERICA, IN A WORD, THE HUSBANDS. If they can undermine the authority of the husband and get access to the weaker wives and children, they have successfully undermined the Bible-believing units of each Bible-believing household, under the headship of the Christian man. Then they can dismantle the whole structure and take over. They can take the children off to their indoctrination centers, the local “Government”-run school or uni(sex-per)versity, get them to abandon their family home under the Christian male, and give the wife “free” money (taxpayers’ dollars) doing some useless paper-shifting in some monstrous “Government”-run office. That will lead (as it already has) to the abandonment of the husband, and the emergence of the “single mother”. That in turn causes a VAST DRAIN ON MONEY AND RESOURCES OF THE STATE (TAXPAYERS DOLLARS) CHANNELED TO USELESS WOMEN RUNNING AROUND LOOKING BUSY BUT DOING NOTHING OF VALUE TO THE LONG-TERM INTERESTS OF THE STATE. THE CHILDREN ARE ABANDONED AND HAVE TO FEND FOR THEMSELVES. THEY GROW UP AS LATCH-KEY KIDS, DRUNK, DRUGGED AND PUNKED INTO TOTAL IDLENESS. Yes, that is exactly what has happened, and it’s getting worse. So don’t think there’s any easy fix to this economy. It’ll get worse if you don’t deal with the problem that’s causing it. The last thing you need is WOMEN POLITICIANS TO COME ALONG AND CLAIM THEY’RE GOING TO FIX IT. They’re the very worst example to give the pitiable, drugged, benighted, diabetic, obese, dependent, single mothers of this sin-sick society.
Back to the Bible, back to the Word of God, back to the Saint Paul Gospel and the Bible Holy Ghost!
For more Bible teaching on this, see the Blog Post “Faith of the Fathers” at this link.